Blair McDonough's character was killed off in
dramatic Winners and Losers finale
on Seven. Source:
National Features
Nui Te Koha and Colin Vickery, The Daily Telegraph, report
Winners and Losers star Blair McDonough reckons there is life after his television death.
A healthy 1.172 million Aussie viewers watched the explosive 2012 finale of the Channel 7 drama last night.
McDonough's character Matt O'Connor was killed when his ute stacked with gas cylinders exploded.
Seven had teased viewers with a "Who will die?'' promotion in the lead-up to last night's show.
"I've been bruised, bashed, beaten and blown up,'' McDonough said today. "My deaths have become run of the mill.''
McDonough shot to fame when he was the runner-up on the first series of reality show Big Brother.
It led to an acting career which has included Aussie shows Neighbours, City Homicide, and Sea Patrol.
McDonough also starred in UK police drama Heartbeat.
"On Neighbours I had temporary blindness and broke a few limbs, on City Homicide I was killed by a metal pole to the head, and in Sea Patrol I was bashed by Navy officers and then sentenced to life in jail,'' the 31-year-old says.
The death of McDonough's Matt O'Connor came after it was revealed that he had betrayed wife Bec (Zoe Tuckwell-Smith) by having an affair with rival Tiffany Turner (Michala Banas).
"It's good to have a story arc, get to where you want to go, and then shock everyone,'' McDonough says.
Winners and Losers has been commissioned for a third series, which will screen in 2013.