David Hasselhoff poses for a photo with fans in Sydney Park, while offering dog grooming services to the public. Picture: Craig Greenhill Source: News Limited
Colin Vickery, The Herald Sun, reports
You’ve got to love David Hasselhoff. The former Knight Rider and Baywatch star has enough energy to light up a small city.
Hasselhoff, or The Hoff as he likes to be called, is the X factor that makes this year's Celebrity Apprentice Australia a treat.
The Hoff didn't come to Australia to slum it. He brings a passion to the Channel 9 reality show that is infectious.
Last night the men's Platinum team used the Hoff to win and raise $245,000 for charity in a dog pampering challenge.
The most watched star in the world - according to the Guinness Book of Records - was unstoppable as he was mobbed by fans on Bondi Beach.
Male celebrities including Ian "Dicko" Dickson, Ben Dark and Vince Sorrenti were in awe of The Hoff.
Former AFL star Jason Akermanis was clearly jealous that The Hoff was getting so much attention.
Even the female Fortune celebrities got caught up in Hoff-mania. Tania Zaetta banged on endlessly about her short stint in Baywatch.
The Fortune females spent most of the dog challenge bitching about one another. The Platinum guys seem much more team spirited.
Things got emotional near the end when The Hoff handed over that monster cheque to the Starlight Foundation and explained how a young child had changed his life on the set of Knight Rider.
Celebrity Apprentice Australia is a winner. Long live The Hoff.
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