Hugh Jackman on stage/ Source:
A lot can happen in four years. If you're Hugh Jackman, you can do a one-man show on Broadway, host the Oscars, put your hands and feet in the Hollywood Walk of Fame, appear in seven movies and film another three.
So it was no surprise for many a brow to be furrowed in magazine land upon the release of the Australian Women's Weekly with Jackman on the cover.
Despite the fact he's the first man to appear on the front of the masthead since the 1990s, the photo chosen is from a shoot the Wolverine star did four years ago.
Taken by photographer Nick Leary, a shot from the series first appeared on the cover of GQ in December 2008, with the editor of that magazine Nick Smith joking that it "looks familiar".
"The colouring and the layout is very similar, but it's a great cover so it makes sense for it to be used again," Smith said. "I guess we did it right the first time."
AWW editor Helen McCabe yesterday said she was "very aware it was the GQ image".
"I sent Nick a big thank you because as I said to him that I believe imitation is the sincerest form of flattery," she said.
The interview with Jackman, meanwhile, sees the actor open up about the day his mother walked out on his family without saying goodbye.
The father-of-two was eight at the time and his mum Grace sent a letter the next day explaining what she's done.
"The thing I never felt, and I know this might sound strange, I never felt that my mum didn't love me," he said.
"I've spoken about it at length with her since and I know she was struggling. She was in hospital after I was born suffering from post-natal depression."
As a parent, Jackman said he understands the pressure.
"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life," he said.
Hugh Jackman on the cover of The Australian Women's Weekly. Source: The
Daily Telegraph
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