Jackman in a scene from the first Wolverine movie X-Men Origins:
Wolverine. Source:
The Daily Telegraph
Maria Lewis, The Daily Telegraph, reports
Uncross those adamantium claws because The Wolverine could go into production in Sydney as soon as August, according to a tweet from Hugh Jackman.
In a reply to a fan who tweeted him about when his Wolverine sequel would start filming, Jackman replied: "(it) starts shooting in August!!!"
The Aussie star, who is currently filming Les Miserables with Russell Crowe, will take a two month break before filming begins so he can bulk up his famous frame for The Wolverine.
The news was announced last month that the state and federal government had secured a deal with 20th Century Fox to have the film shoot locally, bringing some 2000 jobs to Sydney.
It was a welcome relief for fans of Jackman's portrayal of comic book hero Wolverine.
The sequel to X-Men spin-off X-Men Origins: Wolverine has experienced no shortage of trouble in its pre-production stages, with a 2011 start date in Japan having to be canceled after the tsunami.
Black Swan director Darren Aronofsky was attached to the project, before dropping out and being replaced by James Manogold (Walk The Line, Girl, Interrupted).
Jackman says he's looking forward to working with Manogold, who directed him on rom-com Kate and Leopold.
"He’s a great director and he’s very smart.
"I know he’s going to make an amazing film and this is the best script we’ve ever had.”
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